Freitag, 13. Dezember 2019

Tageskurs / one day workshop

Am Mittwoch, 4. Dezember fand bei mir zu Hause ein Tageskurs statt. Hier ein paar Impressionen. Morgen Samstag findet der Kurs nochmals statt und auch am Samstag, 4. Januar will es nochmals jemand wissen (hier hat es noch 2 Plätze frei).

On Wednesday, 4th december I had a one day workshop at my home. Here are some impressions. Tomorrow I will have another 3 participants and on Saturday, 4th January again I will held this workshop at my home (there I have 2 places left).

1 Kommentar:

FlourishingPalms hat gesagt…

I'm glad you're able to teach these classes again. I know how much you enjoy them, and of course so are your students. Great work here. Enjoy today's workshop, and I hope you fill the January workshop too.