Montag, 17. Juli 2023

Unglück / accident

Beim unteren linken Kreis passierte es: Ein Knall, die Nadel war weg und ich konnte meinen Greifer nicht mehr einfahren, was eine teure Reparatur zur Folge hatte. Nun habe ich meine Nähmaschine wieder und ich kann weiterarbeiten. 

On the circle in the lower left it happened: a bang and the needle was away and I couldn't put in the hook on my sewing machine. The consequence of this was an expensive sewing machine repair. But now I have my sewing machine back and I can work further. 

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Oh dear! That was surely a scary moment! Something like that happened to me once too. You don’t forget it. I’m glad you could get it repaired though, even if it was expensive. Did you have to wait a long time to get your machine back? By the way, your embroidery looks very pretty. I love circles.