Dieser Quilt ist nun schon wieder ein Weilchen zurück von der Ausstellung Tradition und Moderne XII. Nun hängt er bei meinem Mami in der Wohnung.
This quilt is now back quite a while from the exhitition with the German Guild Tradition und Moderne XII. Now it is hanging in the appartment of my mother.
frühmorgens / early mornings 73 x 95 cm 29x37,5" Sept.2019 |
2 Kommentare:
This is such a neat design! Your combination of greens, with the pops of chartreuse, are just right. And I like how it's quilted too, with those little satin-stitched squares at intervals. Nicely done! I'm glad it hung at an exhibition, and it's wonderful that your mother can enjoy it now.
Your quilt is gorgeous, beautiful colors, and I love the fun quilting too!
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