Das sind einige Fotos von meinem Zahnarzt, wo noch bis Ende November 31 Quilts von mir hängen. Die beiden Tage der offenen Tür sind vorbei und für all jene, die nicht kommen konnten ein kleiner Einblick in die Praxis - Quiltausstellung!
These are some pictures from my dentist. 31 quilts from me are hanging there until the end of November. The two open days are over an for all of you who haven't been able to come for a visit here a small peek into the practice - quiltshow!
3 Kommentare:
This is such a clever and fun idea, to have a quilt show in a dentist's office. I told my dentist about it and he just looked at me oddly and said, "Oh really?" I think it's unlikely my dentist will host a quilt show anytime soon.
Toll, da kannst du echt stolz sein!!
Liebe Grüße
Wunderschöne Quilts!!!
Liebe Grüße
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