Mittwoch, 19. November 2014

Abfall? / Rubbish?

Gestern Abend erhielt ich dieses Säcklein. Ist das Abfall oder interessantes Material? Also ich werde mit diesen Schnippseln versuchen einen interessanten Stoff herzustellen.


Yesterday evening I received this little bag. Is this rubbish or interesting material? Well, I'll try to make an interesting fabric out of these snippets.


4 Kommentare:

quilthexle hat gesagt…

Natürlich ist das kein Abfall - das ist ein Rohstoff !! (ich hab sowas auch ... und plane, es durch die Filzmaschine zu lassen ...) Bin gespannt, was Du daraus machst ;-)

Shelley: the Dread Pirate Rodgers hat gesagt…

I apologize for not speaking German and hope you can translate my comment. I've seen an interesting technique using very small pieces such as you pictured. You arrange all the small pieces in whatever pleasing arrangement you like, then put a piece of bridal tulle over everything. Quilt over the tulle, through the little pieces underneath. The quilting holds all the little pieces in place, so they don't shift and the tulle prevents any of them from coming loose! :-)

Shelley: the Dread Pirate Rodgers hat gesagt…

I apologize for not speaking German and hope you can translate my comment. I've seen an interesting technique using very small pieces such as you pictured. You arrange all the small pieces in whatever pleasing arrangement you like, then put a piece of bridal tulle over everything. Quilt over the tulle, through the little pieces underneath. The quilting holds all the little pieces in place, so they don't shift and the tulle prevents any of them from coming loose! :-)

Karin hat gesagt…

Abfall???? Auf keinen Fall!! Mir fällt da spontan die Konfetti-Technik ein.

Liebe Grüsse