Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2019

Sizilien / Sicily

Vor Samnaun war ich eine Woche in Sizilien. Es war wunderbar und das Meer so sauber und klar. Herrlich.

Before I went to Samnaun I have been on vacation for one week in Sicily. It was great. The sea was wonderful and very clear. 

Flug über die verschneiten Alpen / flight over the snowcovered Alps

Aussicht von unserem Hotelzimmer / view out of your hotel room

Apéro durfte natürlich nicht fehlen / Apéro has to be


Aussicht von Erice / view from Erice


1 Kommentar:

FlourishingPalms hat gesagt…

Sicily looks like a gorgeous country! Nice and warm too, I bet. Glad you had a good get-away before you began teaching.